Hawaii is on the verge of passing SB1231, a bill that fails to protect the rights and dignity of donor conceived people by cementing into law the continued use of anonymous gamete donors in 2025.
Hawaii is on the verge of passing SB1231, a bill that fails to protect the rights and dignity of donor conceived people by cementing into law the continued use of anonymous gamete donors in 2025.
USDCC was pleased to submit written comments in support of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) draft guidance on Donor Eligibility for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/Ps).
Casey Duncan is the recipient parent to two donor conceived people. One of them was “switched before birth.”
USDCC addresses criticisms of Colorado's Donor Conceived Persons Protection Act and proposed rules.
USDCC joins others to express concerns about the potential implications of the Supreme Court of Alabama’s opinion in LePage v. The Center for Reproductive Medicine, P.C.
When Victoria Hill took a commercial DNA test, she not only learned she was donor conceived but that her mother was the victim of fertility fraud. And that her high school boyfriend was her half brother.
The Uniform Law Commission announced the official amendment of Article 9 of the Uniform Parentage Act which will now require gamete banks to provide a donor’s identifying information to a resulting adult donor conceived person upon request. USDCC played an active role in securing this amendment.
Commodification of donor conceived people is rampant in egg donor recruitment ads. One agency's Barbie movie memes sparked outcry from the DCP community.
USDCC sought to collect data on sperm banks across the United States. A survey was conducted in which sperm bank websites were reviewed for relevant data and then those data were confirmed via contact with representatives from each bank.
In August and September 2022, U.S. Donor Conceived Council (USDCC) asked people with a connection to donor conception what changes to the donor conception industry and practices they would like to see.