U.S. Donor Conceived Council is pleased to announce the bipartisan introduction of SB 22-224, the “Donor-Conceived Persons And Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act.

In addition to Colorado Senate President Stephen Fenberg, Senator Bob Gardner, and Representative Kerry Tipper, the bill is now co-sponsored by Senator Jerry Sonnenberg, Senator Chris Holbert, and Representative Matt Soper. We thank them all for supporting better protections for donor conceived people, donors, and recipient parents.

For several months, U.S. Donor Conceived Council has worked tirelessly with Senator Fenberg, his staff, and numerous stakeholders to craft a bill that will protect donor conceived persons (DCPs) and their families—a first in the United States.

The main provisions of the Act are to: (1) give DCP the unconditional right/ability to learn the donor’s identity when they turn 18 and acquire non-identifying medical history before adulthood; (2) set a limit on the number of families established per gamete donor; (3) require banks and clinics to permanently maintain records and request medical updates from donors every three years; (4) ensure donors and recipient parents are educated on the needs and interests of DCP before donating/receiving gametes; and (5) set a minimum eligibility age of 21 for gamete donors.

DCC USA would like to thank all of the groups and individuals who collaborated with us and provided feedback during this process, including, but not limited to: The Society for Ethics in Egg Donation (SEEDS); Colorado egg donors and assisted reproduction attorneys; We Are Egg Donors; organizations representing gay and lesbian families and their children; Professor Naomi Cahn, University of Virginia School of Law;  Professor Sonia Suter, The George Washington University Law School; Carole LieberWilkins; and Alice Ruby, The Sperm Bank of California.

If you are a DCP, donor, or recipient parent who supports this effort to create a better future for donor conceived people and their families, please complete the appropriate form here and support our efforts with a donation.