
An evolving list of terminology related to assisted reproduction and donor conception.

  • ART / Artificial Reproduction Technology / Assisted Reproductive Technology – The use of medical procedures to conceive a child.
  • BC / Birth Certificate – A vital record that reflects a person’s name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, and parentage.
  • BCF / Birth Certificate Father – The man listed on a person’s birth certificate as their father.
  • BCM / Birth Certificate Mother –  The woman listed on a person’s birth certificate as their mother.
  • Biological Mother – Donor conceived people typically use this as another term for genetic mother. Sometimes used to refer to the gestational carrier who is also the legal parent of a child conceived through donated eggs but is not the genetic parent.
  • Biological Father – Donor conceived people typically use this as another term for genetic father.
  • DC / Donor Conception The conception of a person using gametes or an embryo provided by a third party.
  • DCP / Donor Conceived Person – A person born as the result of the use of gametes or an embryo provided by one or more third parties.
  • Diblings – Nickname for half-siblings through donor conception; not a preferred term within the donor conceived community and is often considered derogatory and dismissive.
  • Donor – The term used by the ART industry for people who provide sperm, eggs, and embryos for use by other individuals. In the United States, “donors” may be—and typically are—compensated for their donation.
  • Double Donation – The use of third parties for provision of both sperm and eggs.
  • Embryo – An egg fertilized by sperm; the phase prior to becoming a fetus.
  • Embryo Provider – A person who sells or donates (i.e. gives without compensation) their embryo for use by another person.
  • Gametes – Reproductive cells (eggs and sperm).
  • Gamete Provider –  A person who sells or donates (i.e., gives without compensation) their sperm or eggs for use by another person.
  • Genealogical Bewilderment – Identity formation problems associated with unknown ancestry.
  • Genetic Father – The father with whom a donor conceived person shares genetic material.
  • Genetic Mirroring – The reflection of traits (physical or other) within one’s genetic family.
  • Genetic Mother – The mother with whom a donor conceived person shares genetic material.
  • Genetic Parent –  One of two people who contribute 50 percent of a donor conceived person’s genetic material/DNA.
  • IDCAD / International Donor Conception Awareness Day Observed annually on April 27 to recognize and raise awareness about family building through use of third-party provided gametes.
  • IP /  Intended Parent – A person who intends to use third-party provided gametes to conceive a child.
  • LD DCP / Late Discovery Donor Conceived Person – A person who learns they are donor conceived at any point after early childhood.
  • Legal Parent – The parent legally responsible for a donor conceived person, as defined by individual state laws.
  • RP / Recipient Parent – A person who receives gametes provided by a third party and conceives a child from those gametes.
  • SMBC / Single Mother by Choice – A single woman who chooses to become a mother without a spouse or partner, often via third-
  • Social Family – The family within which a donor conceived person is raised; the family (children) that are actually raised by a gamete provider.
  • Social Parent – The person who raised, and was financially responsible for, a donor conceived person but is not their genetic and/or biological parent. May or may not also be the donor conceived person’s legal parent.
  • Third-Party Reproduction – The use of gametes provided by a third party to conceive a child.

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